Winner Cake All Page 18
“I can see how that would be an incentive to do whatever it took,” Spencer said, walking into the kitchen and voicing what Dani had been thinking.
“Yep.” Udell shoved his hands in his pockets and headed toward the back exit. “Anyway. I’ll see you next month, Miss Dani.”
“Terrific!” Dani beamed. “I’ll be rooting for you at the next game.”
Spencer looked at Dani thoughtfully, then said, “Are you ready to go?”
“Yep.” Dani put her tote bag on her shoulder. “I’m starved.”
“Me too.” Spencer cupped Dani’s elbow and they strolled outside and into the small parking lot. “Do you want to ride with me? I can bring you back to pick up your vehicle afterward.”
“Tempting. But it’s probably easier for me just to follow you.” Dani smiled as they headed toward her van. When they reached it, she leaned a hip against the door and warned, “Just don’t lose me since I haven’t been to your place before.”
“No way will I lose you.” Spencer bent down and brushed his lips against hers. “I’ve waited too long to find you to let you disappear.”
Dani opened her mouth to respond, but she noticed someone peeking over the trunk of the car in the next parking spot. Before she could point out the Peeping Tom to Spencer, the person caught her eye, took a stumbling step back, and melted into the night.
At that moment her stomach growled and Dani giggled. “We better get going before I take a bite out of the seats. See you soon.”
Dani got into the van and waited for Spencer to get to his truck. A few seconds later, she saw Spencer’s pickup idling near the parking lot exit and she hurriedly put the van in reverse and pulled up behind him. Ten minutes later, Spencer turned into his driveway and Dani stopped the van next to him. She hopped out and took the hand he offered her.
Lacing his fingers with hers, he escorted her into his town house. As soon as she stepped over the threshold, she was struck by the sterility of his home.
She could take in nearly the entire interior from the doorway. The living room held a single recliner, an old couch, a coffee table, and a television, which hung on the wall. The dining room was totally empty. And in the kitchen, a single chair was pushed under a small table. She couldn’t see the bedrooms, but she’d be surprised if they were any less utilitarian.
Hmm. Maybe this was why Spencer liked hanging out at the mansion. There might be more of a crowd, but it had a much homier feeling.
“What do you want on your pizza?” Spencer asked interrupting her musing. “I like just about anything but pineapple on mine.”
Dani thought for a moment, then said, “Pepperoni, black olive, and mushroom.”
“Sounds good to me.” Spencer dug his phone from his pocket and dialed. As he waited for his call to be answered, he asked, “How about a salad?”
“That would be great. Any vinaigrette dressing is fine with me,” Dani answered. “Shall I get out the plates?”
“Sure. They’re in there.” Spencer pointed to the cabinet next to the sink.
Before he could speak, Dani heard a voice from his phone say, “May I help you?”
While Spencer was busy ordering, Dani opened up the cupboard he’d indicated and took out two of the four dishes and two of the four bowls inside. The silverware drawer was equally barren, and she was looking for napkins when Spencer finished his call and tapped her on the shoulder.
“I use paper towels.” He gestured to the roll on the counter. “What would you like to drink? I have beer, water, and milk.”
“Water’s fine.” Dani looked around. “Is there another chair or should we sit in the living room?”
Spencer’s ears reddened. “The second chair broke and I haven’t replaced it.”
“Oh.” Dani headed into the living room without commenting and sank into the sofa. Cooking and serving such a big crowd had sapped her energy, and she rested her head against the back cushions.
She was surprised when Spencer joined her on the couch, since the recliner was obviously where he usually sat. Straightening, she took the bottle of water from him, unscrewed the lid, and drank half the contents in one gulp.
“You must be exhausted.” Spencer turned her slightly and massaged her shoulders. “I don’t think I saw you take a break the whole time.”
“Tonight was more hectic than usual.” Dani luxuriated in the feel of his fingers digging into her tired muscles. “Probably because we got a late start when we had to wrestle the poultry away from the crazy chicken lady before we could even begin the meal.”
Spencer frowned. “Tell me about that. I never did get the entire story.”
“There’s not much to tell.” Dani shrugged. “This woman found out there would be a television crew and wanted to get publicity for her cause.”
“What about the knife?” Spencer stopped rubbing and stared at Dani. “You could have been hurt. You should have called the police.”
“The baseball players handled it.” Dani examined Spencer and decided he wasn’t being a jerk. He was just concerned. “I was never in any danger.”
“Maybe.” Spencer continued his massage. “However, just because they’re physically fit men doesn’t mean they couldn’t have gotten stabbed.”
“You’re right.” Dani had thought the same thing when Marc had disarmed Rocky. “That’s why I originally sent someone to get the food pantry security. But when he didn’t arrive, the players stepped in before I could object.”
“Where was the guard?” Spencer moved his hands from her shoulders and started kneading her lower back. “I didn’t see him all night.”
“He never showed up.” Dani shook her head. “Rumor has it, he’s not that reliable, but the food pantry can’t afford anyone better.”
They both sank into silence as Dani relaxed under Spencer’s soothing ministrations. She couldn’t stop yawning and Spencer seemed to have fallen into a Zen-like state as well. Both were worn-out. The events of the last few days had finally caught up to them.
When the doorbell rang, Dani jerked into a state of semi-alertness and Spencer groaned before he slowly rose from the couch and trudged to the door.
After paying the delivery guy, Spencer brought the pizza and salad bowl into the living room and placed it on the coffee table. The mouthwatering aroma of basil and oregano brought Dani fully awake, and as soon as he flipped open the carton, she eagerly reached for a slice.
The only sound for the next fifteen minutes was chewing and the occasional moan from Dani as she enjoyed her first meal since lunch. Finally, her stomach full, she settled back on the sofa and relaxed.
Spencer glanced at the last piece sitting forlornly in the box and asked, “Are you sure you don’t want that?” When Dani shook her head no, he coaxed, “How about some ice cream? I have your favorite.”
“You do not.” Dani leaned forward, grabbed a paper towel from the roll, and wiped her mouth, then tossed it on her empty plate. “I bet you don’t even know my favorite kind.”
“Blue Bell Pecan Pralines ’n Cream.” Spencer raised a brow. “Right?”
“Wow.” Dani got to her feet and gathered the debris littering the coffee table. “I’m impressed. I don’t remember ever telling you that.”
“I have my sources.” Spencer grinned and followed her into the kitchen.
“Ivy.” Dani’s heart skipped a beat. She was touched he had gone to so much trouble for her. “I should have guessed that right away.”
“Got it in one.” Spencer reached for the freezer handle. “So how about we have dessert and compare notes?” He paused. “Unless you’re too tired. It’s nothing urgent. We could wait until—”
“No way.” Dani opened the cabinet and took out the remaining two bowls. “If I remember correctly, the next time our schedules mesh isn’t until Thursday.”
“Right.” Spencer scooped ice
cream while Dani found the spoons.
Once they were back on the couch enjoying their treat, Dani said, “Okay. I have a few things I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Go for it.” Spencer turned slightly and gave her his full attention.
“I had an appointment with Vicki Troemel, Yvette’s wedding planner, today.” Dani took a breath. “Mr. Whittaker sent her to ask me to use the food that hadn’t been served at the engagement party, but was still good, to cater Yvette’s memorial service which is on Sunday.”
“Seems a little tacky, but I guess it’s better than wasting it.” Spencer’s expression was nonplussed. “Will they have the body that soon?”
“Evidently, Mr. Whittaker’s good friend the mayor has assured him they will.” Dani shrugged. “You probably know better than I do, but I’m guessing that the county medical examiner didn’t exactly have a backlog of bodies ahead of Yvette to autopsy and has had plenty of time for any follow-up requested by the police.”
“True.” Spencer pursed his lips. “But if I was the officer in charge, I’d want to keep the vic until I had the perp. In case there was a need to reexamine the evidence. Then again, maybe Christensen is ready to make an arrest. Have you talked to him today?”
“Nope.” Dani ate a bite of ice cream. “Anyway, the reason I brought up my meeting with Vicki is that in talking to her, it was apparent that she was in love with Franklin Whittaker.”
“Interesting.” Spencer narrowed his eyes. “That would give her a motive to get rid of Yvette. And Vicki was under the collapsed tent.”
“Exactly.” Dani nodded. “Plus, considering how demanding Yvette was as a client, Vicki was probably never more than a few steps away from her the whole evening.”
“That’s a good point.” Spencer tapped his chin. “You should probably share this information with Christensen as soon as possible.”
“I plan to call him tomorrow morning once I finish with the lunch-to-go prep.” Dani had considered informing Gray right away, but she wanted to go over it with Spencer before telling the detective.
Spencer nodded, then asked, “What other things did you want to talk about?”
“Well…” Dani bit her bottom lip. “I had a visitor before Vicki arrived.”
“Oh?” Spencer leaned forward. “Someone I know?”
“Uh-huh.” Dani made a face. “It was Frannie Ryan from the Normalton News.”
“I should have guessed.” Spencer’s expression twisted in distaste.
“Frannie was out of town and another reporter got assigned the murder,” Dani said slowly, then stalling before giving Spencer the bad news, added, “Frannie and Justin got engaged.”
“Okay.” Spencer clearly wondered why Dani mentioned that. “Anything else?”
“Frannie said that she wants to get back to Scumble River fairly soon because she thinks the mayor is up to no good and it has to do with your friend the police chief.”
“Mmm.” Spencer frowned. “Did Frannie give you any details?”
“Nope. She was afraid she’d lose her exclusive.” Dani sighed. “But you might want to give Wally a call and let him know something’s up, even if you don’t know what it is exactly.”
“I’ll do that.” Spencer tilted his head. “What else did Frannie say?”
“She was ticked at being scooped and persuaded her editor to let her do a human interest story on Yvette,” Dani explained.
“Shit!” Spencer’s eyes darkened with understanding. “She knows about me?”
“Yep.” Dani reached over and squeezed Spencer’s hand. “Frannie said that if you’ll talk to her, she promises to only ask reasonable questions.”
“Reasonable to her may not mean the same as it does to me,” Spencer protested.
“I understand,” Dani assured him. “But if others talk about your past relationship with Yvette and you don’t, Frannie could end up with only one side of the story. The one that doesn’t put you in a good light.”
“There weren’t that many people who knew us as a couple. We weren’t married that long and I was undercover for a lot of that time.”
“Sure.” Dani tilted her head. “But someone is always willing to spill the beans. And if they don’t know anything, they’ll just make something up.”
Spencer cursed, jumped to his feet, and paced the length of the living room.
“Maybe we should talk to Frannie together.” Dani rose from the couch and followed him.
“Okay.” Spencer nodded reluctantly, then sighed and caressed Dani’s cheek with one finger. “You know, I really appreciate that you’re taking this all so well. A lot of women would be upset with their boyfriend’s ex-wife popping up like this.”
Warmth spread through Dani’s chest. She noticed the endearment he used back when he’d first arrived to help at the food pantry and wondered if it signaled a new phase of their relationship. Now Spencer calling himself her boyfriend made it seem even more likely.
Grinning, she joked, “Before I knew Yvette was your ex, she saw your picture on my phone and said how handsome you were. At the time I was a bit worried to let her meet you. So I guess the situation could be worse. She could have come to town to get you back.”
Chapter 20
Dani drove home with Spencer’s headlights shining in her rearview mirror. Knowing that she was almost too tired to see straight, he’d wanted her to leave the Chef-to-Go van at his place. When she’d insisted that she’d need it the next day, he suggested she could get one of the girls to bring her over to pick it up before they started the lunch-to-go prep.
Finally, when she’d pointed out that would mean setting her alarm earlier than her already crack of dawn wake-up call, Spencer had compromised. He’d follow her to the mansion to make sure she arrived safely.
Yawning, Dani turned into the driveway, parked, turned off the ignition, and bent to grab her tote bag from the floor. However, before she could grasp its strap, Spencer slid into the passenger seat.
He immediately said, “I wish we could carve out some time to be together before Thursday night. I’d love to come by after my pigsitting duty tomorrow, but the shift doesn’t end until 3:00 a.m. and I know that’s too late.”
“Sadly, it really is.” Dani blew out a frustrated breath. “I have to be up and cooking by six to get the lunch-to-go food ready in time. I try to have the bags packed by ten thirty for the students who pick them up on their way to their late morning classes.”
“How about Wednesday?” Spencer asked, taking her hand and stroking her palm. “What time will you be done with your personal chef gig?”
“Unfortunately, it’ll be later than usual.” Dani reluctantly moved her hand away and unbuckled her seat belt. “It’s a new client and they live in Morton. I’ll be lucky to be home by midnight.”
“We both work too hard.” Spencer put his arm around Dani’s waist and slid her across the bench seat toward him. “You need to hire some more help and I need to delegate more responsibility.”
“Yep.” Dani allowed herself to snuggle against his shoulder for a second. “But in the meantime, I really have to go inside and get some sleep.”
They both glanced at the dashboard clock. It was well after midnight.
“Can you last a little longer?” Spencer asked. “I wanted to fill you in on what’s been going on with me in regard to Yvette’s murder.”
“I’ll try.” Dani struggled to keep awake. “Start with how the meeting with Dr. Kayley went.” She’d been concerned when he told her he would have to inform his boss about the situation.
“Surprisingly well.” Spencer rubbed his jaw and Dani noticed the sexy stubble that had increased with every passing hour. “Dr. K was concerned, and while she was on board with me doing a little probing of my own, she did warn me to make sure the police want my help rather than view it as interference with their investigat
“Good advice.” Dani arched a brow. “Are you planning on following it?”
“Sure. Probably.” Spencer grinned. “Okay, maybe. If I have to, I will.”
“What do you mean by that?” Dani narrowed her eyes. “What did you do?”
“I asked my mentor to run a deep background check on Yvette,” Spencer admitted. “Since our divorce, my only contact has been across a conference table at one of our attorneys’ offices.”
“Won’t that sort of thing cause a flag to come up to the police?” Dani forced herself to straighten and put a little space between them.
“Nah.” Spencer shook his head. “Hiram knows how to keep off their radar.”
“Let’s hope so.” Dani bit her lip. “Do you think he’ll find anything?”
“He’s already discovered an interesting fact.” Spencer’s lips twisted. “It turns out that the guy Yvette was screwing behind my back, my then-friend Brock Ortiz, has gone off the grid.”
“That is curious.” Dani frowned. “I remember Yvette mentioning that she dumped him when he lost an arm while on duty. She had already met Whittaker at some fancy charity ball, and my impression was that although she said she didn’t start seeing him until after Brock was injured, she actually hooked up with Mr. Billionaire right away.” Dani tilted her head. “And a jilted lover treated that way is a great suspect.”
“Yep.” Spencer smiled wolfishly. “Even more so now that I caught him prowling around the very town where the murder took place.”
“You’ve seen him in Normalton?” Dani squeaked. “Did you call Gray?”
“Not yet.” Spencer scratched his chin. “I thought I spotted him just as we were finishing up the service at the food pantry tonight so I followed him outside. I couldn’t get to him in time, but I did see him get into a beat-up black Dodge Charger and I got the plates.”
“So why didn’t you call Gray right then?” Dani had a bad feeling.